While some might think that when it comes to weddings, the bigger, the better, there is another section of people who yearn for intimate weddings. After all, it’s about two people who love each other and their wedding is supposed to be the most special day of their life. Dealing with guest demands or caterers shouldn’t be one of their worries.

intimate wedding

Here is how you can have the perfect small and intimate wedding:

Trim your guest list tightly

The first step to a small and intimate wedding is a small guest list. Yes, it can be hard, that is why you need to plan the guest list months in advance. Pick a number, and stick to it, even if that leads to you not inviting some of your second cousins. The ideal number for a small wedding would be anything less than 50. If you are looking for a super intimate wedding, then try to get the number under 25.

Keep budget under check

It’s actually very easy to go overboard in an intimate wedding because you might keep getting fancy stuff, thinking it wouldn’t cost as much because there aren’t too many people. Calculate your final budget, and make sure you are noting down all the costs while making decisions about the wedding. To save on budget, you can choose to send online invitations through Inviter, which will be personal as well.

Floral Wedding Video Invitation

Give more attention to details

With budget finalised, you can finally have the wedding you dreamt of. Just because it’s a small and intimate wedding, doesn’t mean it should be a simple. You can go as grand as you want, and with less guests to entertain, you will have more budget for venue, decorations, and your favourite band.


Make sure your guests are taken care of

Less guests mean you can actually give individual attention to each one of them and make sure they are happy with the arrangements. You can have your guests stay in a luxurious hotel, as opposed to the usual inn, get a limousine for transport, give huge gift baskets, and treat them to a fancy six-course meal.


Involve all your guests in the ceremony

You can make your ceremony more entertaining even with lesser guests, because it will give you an opportunity to involve more people in the act somehow. You can also have everyone sit at a single big table, as opposed to smaller ones.

Destination wedding

Why not use the small number of guests as an advantage and organize a destination wedding instead? You could book a number of cottages, stretch the events to 3-4 days, and have the fabulous wedding you deserve.
