Mother really deserves the best Mother’s day gift for everything the most she does for us. Flowers are the best way to express appreciation to Mom.

Mother’s Day is the busiest day for most of the florists who sell flowers. It is the 3rd highest selling day in Us.

Flowers brings freshness and fragrance which brightens our life. Why don’t you brighten your mom with a collection of different flower on this mother’s day?.

Create a Personalized Video Invitation

Infographic credit to Teleflora

mother's day video greetings

What Does Different Flower Symbolize?


First, if your mother is very traditional, roses are the best option for her. The rose may be the most-given Mother’s Day flower. Red roses are traditionally associated with romantic love while a lighter red or deep pink colour denotes gratitude and appreciation.

  • While Yellow roses represent a caring nature
  • On the other hand, White roses represent purity and brightness.


Additionally, Coloured Tulips make a great choice if your mom is good-hearted and easy-going. Tulips represent comfort and happiness.

  • The yellow tulip symbolizes “there’s sunshine in your smile”.
  • White symbolizes heaven and purity and pink tulips mean affection and caring


Usually, lilies come in a number of colours and varieties. These are cherished by many mothers. Calla lilies stand for beauty. Lily of the Valley conveys humility and devotion.

  • White lilies symbolize virtue and purity while pink represents friendship and prosperity.
  • The day lily is a Chinese symbol for motherhood.

Daisies – Gerbera Daisies symbolize innocence, purity and beauty. Therefore represents cheerfulness. If your mom radiates happiness, gerbera daisies are a perfect pick for her bouquet.

Orchids – represent love, luxury, beauty and strength. The orchid is also a Chinese symbol for “many children.”

Further, more I believe it is better to celebrate the day simple and have wonderful memories. Create a memorable Video Invitation using Inviter for Mother’s day. Find some recent images of your Mom. Create a personalized best video Invitation by text on every image and Add favourite music of your mom’s interest and create a wonderful invitation in a few minutes with HD quality.

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