Video Newsletters: A New Way to Reach Your Customers

You have a tough job. You are competing with so many companies for your customer’s attention. Whether they are your direct competition with similar products and services or not, they are still creating messages and sending them to your customers. Unless you have a creative, appealing message to send, your messages and customer communications will likely be ignored.

Enter Inviter’s video newsletters. Instead of your traditional newsletter, create an engaging video that would communicate the same information as your traditional newsletter, but attaching a person, a member of your team in the format of a video. You’ll create something recipients will remember. It will also add a human touch that your competitors aren’t doing. These video newsletters are easy to create, upload, and send with Inviter’s business solutions. Save them and you can reuse some of the content for the future.


Video newsletters are perfect for communicating sales, company news, and holiday business greeting cards. You can use them to send Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals, discounts and specials, and special sales etc. Supplement the video with text detailing the promotion.

➯ Business Greeting Cards

Instead of sending traditional business greeting cards, send video greeting cards. It’s the same process as sending video newsletters only you’re not selling anything. Instead, you’re creating heartfelt video greetings. Inviter’s business greeting cards are available for every major holiday. Send Christmas, New Year’s, Valentine’s Day, Memorial Day, July 4th, and Thanksgiving cards simply by uploading your video, creating your event, uploading your contact list, and scheduling the event. It’s that simple. Don’t forget professional holidays like Boss’ day too!

Signup today for Inviter’s business solutions and start creating memorable messages to your customers!