8 Steps To Plan A House Party

Throwing a house party but don’t know where to begin? It’s not that hard if you know what you want at the party. A house party is same as you went to the bar, but here you have all the control on the environment and activity. Here is the 8 steps to plan a house party.

The 8 steps to plan a house party:

Guest list:

The first thing you need is a variety of people. Don’t just invite your closest friend because, in the end, it becomes a group and other people would felt like an outsider. Invite everyone whom could be helpful to cheer up people or interesting to add to the conversation. Invite your neighbor, so that you can inform them about the party.


Once your guest list is done, now it’s time to prepare, clearing the house and buying all the necessary thing you need at the party. Making a list of food and drinks you need at the party.


It’s necessary to have a theme party because, it’s too much fun. Also, you can invite only those people who are interested in that theme, so they have something in common to talk about. They can also dress up theme vise and it could make your party unique and fun.


You need to start inviting people one week before so that they can clear their time to attend. You can call or email, but make sure to reach out to the people. Most of the time 80% came and rest of the other doesn’t, so make sure to invite enough people. Be sure of the timing, otherwise, some of the guests would come late or sometime early too. Video Invitations are the best choice to invite your party guests.


It does depend on what kind of party you want, if it’s just a get-together party than you can play some classic and soulful music. If you want it to be a dancing party, make sure to have a mixtape of upbeat music all the time.


Most of the time, people remember the food and if it’s not good enough or below the expectation, they won’t be coming next time. Make sure to have food for vegan too and all types of drinks.

Last minute checking:

You need to make sure nothing important or fragile left outside. Clear out the bathroom cabinet and if you have a roommate, then lock their doors. Prepare the food and add the last-minute touches and spread it on the table. Put out the chair and make sitting arrangement.

Clear up:

when you have a house party, make sure to plan to clear all the mess. If your guest still at your house even after the party is over, take the garbage bag and start cleaning, it will make them realize and they will leave.

When we throw a party thing often confuse us, but we are sure this step by step guide would help you out in figuring what to do and when. In fact, we have missed out on any point, let us know in the comment section.