Networking & Happy Hour Video Invitations

We talk a lot about egreetings and free ecards. But what about those snazzy get togethers? Now the holidays are over and everyone is back to business, the happy hours and networking events are in full bloom, despite the bitter cold temps and wintery weather.

I’m part of planning some of those happy hours and networking events. As I was thinking about a fun way to engage my invitees, I instantly thought about Inwiter’s video invitations. I wanted something fun, engaging, but more importantly, I wanted to remind attendees how much fun they had at the last event. So I decided to create a custom video invitation using images from the last event.

Whether you’re planning events for personal or business events, Inwiter’s free ecards and invites are the way to go. Super easy to use, you’ll be able to monitor your guest list while giving your guests a new way to learn about your event. It’s a memorable way to invite people to your next event.