ThanksGiving Video Greetings

Sending thanksgiving video greetings to your family, friends and colleagues using inviter is as easy as taking a selfie. All you need to do is record your video message and add your friends, family and colleagues email ids and hit send. It’s as easy as it sounds.

The tradition of thanking someone dates back to 16th century, first celebrated by Plymouth colonists and Wampanoag Indians, by sharing an autumn harvest feast in 1621. Thanksgiving was celebrated in colonies and states individually until 1863, the then President of US “Abraham Lincoln” (16th President of US) proclaimed a national thanksgiving day to be held each year on last Thursday of November.

It’s a day for families and friends to get together for a special meal, thanking for what they have and thanking each other for their love & support throughout the year.

So what do you plan to do this year for thanksgiving? A routine text message or a flash card conveying thanksgiving wishes or are you up to something cool, trendy and personal? Then you are looking at the right place.

Thanksgiving video greetings – A simple effort of recording your video message and sending it to your family, friends and co-workers does create a much soothing experience one can remember for lifetime.