Send Mother's Day Video Greetings To Your Mom

“Mom! Did you touch my locker? I am old enough to look after myself and my belongings. Stay away OK!” She just slammed the front door and left for school. The mother just smiled.

“You know what? My professor liked my project concept. All thanks to you, Mom…” Nonetheless to say she hugged her mother. The mother simply smiled.

No matter her kids’ love, loathe, praise or shun her- the Mother lives for her children in true spirit. She has been our gateway into this beautiful world. With Mothers’ Day around the corner, many of us celebrate the day with cards and cakes. But how will be to craft a personalized Mother’s Day card all by ourselves? Inviter launches “Do It Yourself” video greetings where your mom gets your personal message through a home video.

Benefits of Inviter Mother’s Day Video Greeting

Inviter is a free online portal for designing and sending personalized video invitations, video greetings, video newsletters, video emails etc. Inviter greeting cards are easy to learn and design. It takes just a click for the greeting to reach your mother. Also, the pre-recorded video does not need any additional hardware plug-in to play. Inviter comes with 14 day trial package through which all the themes and features can be explored. Using inviter, you can make your own card in 3 special steps.

  • Create your login id in Inviter. In ‘Create New Event’ select the event type. In this case, it’s a non-event(greeting) where you don’t need any RSVP.
  • Enter all the necessary information to make your video greeting more personalized.
  • Now scroll down and click on the ‘Send’ button. Your greeting card is delivered to your beloved Mom.

Why Video Greeting For Your Mom?

Assume you have taken your mom on a holiday or for a nice cozy lunch on the D-day and your flowers and greeting card arrives home. So, rather than playing hide and seek with your card and gift, a pre-recorded video greeting through Inviter is delivered online to your mother anywhere and elsewhere.

So, are you sending your Inviter video greeting to the epitome of sacrifice and eternal love- your mother this Mother’s Day?