Facts About Mother's Day

Once a year, many countries around the world celebrate Mother’s Day. A day Which is dedicated to all mothers, so that we can show our appreciation to the greatest person on this planet.

Mother is the first person we know when we enter this world. A great person who keeps on giving all through her entire life is none other than one’s MOM.

In the US, it is on the second Sunday in May every year. In the United States, 96% of Americans celebrate this special Day in some way.

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Infographic Credited by BILL SHRINK

Mother's Day

Interesting facts about Mother’s Day

  1. Usually, mothers day come on the second Sunday of May. This will be on May 12th,2019 this year. Therefore Each year it is on a different date.
  2. Usually, Mothers day is the busiest day for most of the restaurants.
  3. Mothers day is the United States second highest gift-giving holiday.
  4. Most phone calls are made on this special day.
  5. According to the National Retail Federation, Mother’s Day spending is near-record to $23.1 billion in 2018. A total of 86 per cent of Americans will celebrate Mother’s Day and spend an average of $180 per person.
  6. According to the NRF, Mostly consumers plan to spend $4.6 billion on jewellery (purchased by 34 per cent of shoppers), $4.4 billion on special outings such as dinner or brunch (55 per cent) and $2.6 billion on flowers (69 per cent).

I believe it is better to celebrate the day simple and easy. Create a memorable Video Invitation using Inviter for Mother’s day. Find some Memorable images of your Mom. Create a customized video Invitation by text on every image and Add favourite music of your mom’s interest and create a beautiful invitation in a few minutes with HD quality.

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