Video Newsletters for HR

Human Resource departments need to communicate information with employees. Instead of the traditional email that gets lost in the inbox, entice employees with video newsletters instead. Emails with video in the subject line have higher open rates.


HR departments need to be friendly and engaging while communicating company business that impacts work life. Videos are more engaging and more “human” than a traditional email. Spending a little time shooting a video (even with your smart phone) for a video newsletter and using Inviter can yield a greater sense of pride within your organization and participation. The message you need to communicate to employees has a greater chance of being heard.

➯ Tips to make video newsletters a success using Inviter:

  • Be personable. Speak to one person instead of the entire company. Laugh, smile, and be genuine.

  • Use the description section for any details.

  • Get creative and link additional information to a company internal webpage.

  • Schedule video newsletters in advance.

  • Add fun music and a custom theme.

Human Resource news doesn’t have be too bland or boring. Video will grab your employees’ attention and get them energized. Start creating your video newsletter today.