Personalized Video Invitations For Sangeet Ceremony

Love marriages in an Indian household are no less than any Bollywood dramatics. You come across the right person, spend time together, fall in love, decide to get to get married, break the news to the two immediate families. And get talked into running a background verification on each other’s universe. And also convince the immediate two families, break the news to the relatives, answer a lot of their questions, convince the relatives and then finally with a lot of other drama flowing in and out of the whole scenario – you get to the actual marriage ceremony. Exhausting, yes, but absolutely enjoyable and totally worth it.

Sangeet ceremony invitations

Guilty pleasures

You see, we, at Inviter, understand your need to dwell in all that drama. Where you get to be at the center of the storm and sort things out at your own sweet pace. It is acceptable to enjoy these ups and downs. No Indian wedding is rendered complete without a few complications here and there. And at the same time, you are left with a fancy wedding story to look back to. It is difficult to cater for all the arrangements all at once, with so much happening in the background. Thus, Inviter helps you manage a massive chunk of your Sangeet ceremony preparations, the guests.

With all the chirpy chaos revolving around the Sangeet ceremony preparations – where you have to shop, book venues, manage the office work, sort the logistics, prepare a guest list and invite each one of them personally. There surely is a lot on your plate to look after. Inviter reduces your work load by providing you with a platform to send out digital invitations to all your guests. It is difficult to keep a track whether all the printed invitations have been safely delivered across to your guests. And whether or not they will be able to make it for you celebrations.

Technology taking over

Record an excellent video invitation using iMovies, where you can get creative with pictures and personal videos. You can use the application to stitch together multiple clips and provide your guests an insight on your life with your spouse-to-be so far. You can make use of the various iMovies features and play around with some beautiful music to lift up the spirits of all those you invite. The personal message will only add a beautiful touch to the whole concept.

Inviter then helps you track the RSVPs of all your guests by sending you updated tracker, just to keep you posted on the estimated headcount. With Inviter, you can ensure that your message is indeed delivered. And that your friends, colleagues and family are just as excited to attend your sangeet ceremony.