Producing the Human Touch: Video Email Content

Producing videos is fun and exciting. You get to showcase amazing products, ideas, services. But the difficulty we all have is creating the perfect video that connects with audiences. You can create videos for masses and hope they get views and traction. You hope they go viral. You can be as a creative as you want and spend loads of money. But the fruits of your labor may not actually ripen.

The solution is humanizing your video content. It sounds vague and elusive, but it’s not. It’s really about knowing your audience and using a marketing channel that is more personal. I recommend email. Video emails are just starting to take off as a way to really connect with audiences. What makes video emails so appealing is it seems that you’re communicating directly to them. It’s exclusive as far as they know. It makes the recipient feel like they matter.  That’s why video emails are humanizing email and helping producers connect with the public.

To produce amazing video content, ask these questions.

  • What does my subject have that brings value to the person watching the video?
  • How does my video solve a problem or meet a need?
  • What emotions does your video make the viewer feel?
  • Does your content excite viewers?
  • Does your video speak to one person directly or to the masses and is it obvious?

The secret to humanizing video content is making it personal. Speak to one person. Don’t just try to sell an idea, product or service. Show value and make the viewer feel like they matter. A mass video isn’t going to do that. A video email can.