Post Card Greetings Vs Video Greetings

Video Greetings are the next gen medium of greeting people by replacing the old traditional post cards and the current ecards & egreetings.

Post cards are still being used in present days. If we compare both, we see post cards are old, time consuming and also incurs cost. Saving those memorable cards over years piles up space and may lose somewhere over the time. Some times it may get delay in delivering.

Whereas video greetings are trendy, in this mobile tech age no doubt about it. Fully personalized and free. Even you can send video greetings on the way using your mobile. You can easily send to many people at once, delivered directly to recipients inbox without any failure.

Last December, Apple Inc launched a wonderful holiday TV Ad “Misunderstood” in time to Christmas. The ad states how Christmas celebrations bring families together. In this video, a teenager captures all his family members activities on his iPhone and turns into a small movie showing how much these Christmas celebrations with his family means to him.

You can see his family reactions by the end of his video.

Not only just Christmas, any festival celebrating with family is always worth living. You can also create/share such moments with your friends & family by sending video greetings on any occasion or event.

You don’t need to be a techie to create such memorable video greetings. In fact, it’s as easy as sending a text with our “Inwiter – Video Greetings” app available for free download in apple app store. In just 3 simple steps, you can create and share such beautiful video memories.

Add pictures/videos from your iPhone or you can even record a video, add your favorite music, add your family and friends email id’s and we will do rest of the magic. You can add your personal note and preview your video greeting in end before sending it for any last minute changes. Also you can share your video greeting on facebook & twitter with a simple swipe. Isn’t that cool!!

Our latest additions to the app features lets you share your video greeting privately with your facebook friends.

So why wait?? Any festival/occasion/event Let your video greeting speak for you.