Easter Video Greetings & Video Invitations

Easter’s egg hunt is always fun with kids around. The tradition goes on by decorating the chicken eggs for Easter and the decorated hard-boiled eggs are given out to family & friends to celebrate the Easter. Now-a-days Easter eggs are replaced by chocolate eggs, candy & jelly beans in it.

According to German tradition, the day before Easter, Easter bunny brings colored Easter eggs to kids. This myth resembles same as Santa Claus, brings gifts to children a day before their respective festivals.

Kids love the Easter egg hunting. Below is a video of a 3 yr old cute baby, hunting Easter eggs.

You can also share your previous Easter memories with your friends and family while sending Easter wishes or invitations using video greetings. All you got to do is upload your own Easter photo & video memories into your video greeting/invitation and send them to your family & friends.

You can also share your greetings on social sites like facebook and twitter. Why wait? Invite your friends & family on your Easter egg hunt by sending video invitations & share your Easter moments using our Inwiter-video greetings app. Happy Easter!