There are some days of our lives which we do not want to spend alone. Such days and events are so special that we want to share our happiness with our loved ones. One of such events and probably the most important one is when a person gets married. Weddings are so special that you invite people whom you might haven’t even met for years but they have somehow touched your life at some point of time.

digital wedding invitations

But it might be difficult to send invitations physically to everyone you want to share this special day with. The reasons for this can be numerous. For instance, you do not have a postal address of that person to whom you want to send an invitation card. Moreover, weddings are some of the most expensive events and you want to save money wherever you can manage to. And sending invitation cards to various different locations can be quite expensive.

Now it is not essential to send wedding invitation cards to your loved ones physically. There are other methods which can be employed to invite them. The technology today allows us to send invitations electronically which is not only cost effective but also opens a way to several possibilities to be creative. Some of these ways are as follows:

• Digital wedding invitations templates:

You can send an invitation with your pictures and design a template using various applications and software available for free. All you have to do is take a picture. There are many free templates available on the internet which you can employ. You can also print these templates if you want to go with the old school method.

• Video Templates:

Nowadays, people are sending video invitations on the social media network and via emails. This way of inviting your dear ones is not only innovative but also seems really warm. There are many websites which can help you make your video invitations or you can also hire professionals to do so.

• Interactive invitation cards:

You can also go for interactive cards where the content of your invitation unfolds with each click or tap. This is an out of the box style of sending traditional invitations online.

• Animated invitations:

This is quite an interesting way of inviting your friends, colleagues, and relatives to your wedding. Animated invitations can include the animated versions of the couple and a little story of what led to their marriage. With your favorite song in the background, your invitation becomes very memorable.

• Sideshows and presentations:

This is quite an elegant way of inviting the people you want to share this important day with. There are many software available online which help you create such presentations. There are also many styles and layouts from which you can choose your favorite ones.

Sending digital wedding invitations has become a trend these days. Keeping up with the modern times in such a way can be cost effective and even free of cost in some cases. There are many apps which can be downloaded online that can help you create your own digital wedding invitations templates.