Customize Your Wedding Invitations with Our Wedding Invitation Designs

Gone are the days when people had to spend huge sums of money on paper wedding invitation cards. With the fast-paced world that is going towards modernization, being classy and hassle-free is the key to a happy life. Thus, crafting a video wedding invitation for your guests is an amazing way to make the invitation unique and memorable.

Traditional Wedding Invite

While everyone is contributing to making the lives of people easier with digital advancements, Inviter is always one step ahead.

Inviter Offers DIY Wedding Invitation Templates to Make it Memorable for You

A wedding is perhaps the most important day in someone’s life. You spend months of planning to make your grand day perfect. While there are several things that you need to take care of for your big day, guests are the most special. Offering your guests a unique wedding invitation will make them remember you forever.

But designing a special wedding invitation for your special people is not an easy job. It will not come out amazing if you don’t put effort to make it extraordinary.

But don’t worry. Inviter is here for you!

Our wedding invitation templates help people create video invitations that are different and break the common tradition of invitation cards. The videos are appealing, easy to make, and low on budget. You can simply craft a video and send it to your guests over WhatsApp or email instead of going to their place to invite them to someone’s wedding.

Use Inviter’s Wedding Invitation Templates to Design a Unique Video Invitation

Inviter allows you the being your dreams to reality. We present the “Inviter” application for android users to let them design customized wedding invitations videos. Express your ideas and show your creativity to the world with Inviter’s wedding invitation templates.

Our app caters to the needs of every individual. You can choose from a huge variety of wedding invitation templates to create an amazing video invitation for your guests. Make an animated wedding invitation video with the traditional glimpse. Include photos of your guests or write a special note for them. Choose the background music of your choice and a cute invitation video is ready.

latest Wedding Invitations Online

We Have an Option for Everyone

If you want an extravagant invitation, you get the “royal” template. For more sophisticated people, the app offers other templates that you can customize on your own. These do it yourself wedding invitations templates allow you to put forward the best of your imagination to create a stunning invitation video that your guests will always remember.

You can add a timeline of the couple pictures, pictures of their special events, or some funny memories to show excitement using Inviter’s do it yourself wedding invitations templates. You can add the pictures on the template and discard any if you do not find it suitable. Always remember to select the best pictures because many people will receive the invitation.
We want your wedding invitation videos to come out better than you had ever planned. Happy video making!