Announce your Wedding with Video Invitations

A wedding is an occasion of a lifetime, and every couple wants to make it special in their own way. This is why a lot of time, money and effort are spent in planning and executing each detail.

Of course, the couple wants the day to be memorable for themselves and their families, but equally important are the guests who take the time and effort to attend your wedding ceremony. They are especially present to give you their blessings and good wishes and you need to make sure that they enjoy the event as much as you do. It is important that they too remember the occasion for a long time to come and cherish the memories.

Making the wedding special for the guests

There are many ways in which the guests are entertained at wedding occasions. For instance, special emcees and entertainers are hired while special attention is paid to the music and decor. However, you need to keep in mind that the good treatment of your wedding guests starts with the invitations that you send them.Of course, the main purpose of the invitations is to inform the guests about the date and time of the different events before, during and after the wedding. The second important thing is to get a RSVP which tells you whether the invitees are attending the wedding.

Of course, the main purpose of the invitations is to inform the guests about the date and time of the different events before, during and after the wedding. The second important thing is to get a RSVP which tells you whether the invitees are attending the wedding.

What do wedding invitations do?

However, apart from these basic functions the invitations perform a much more important function and that is of creating an intrigue in the mind of the guests. The invitations should be such that your guests start looking forward to the special day much before they reach the venue. Earlier couples tried to do this with special things like handmade invitations, designing the invitations according to the theme of the wedding and much else.However, these have their limitations and then again there is the fact that nowadays most communication is done electronically over the internet. As a result, many couples have resorted to sending email invitations. However, these invitations lack the personalized touch and have a dryness about them which can be putting off.

However, these have their limitations and then again there is the fact that nowadays most communication is done electronically over the internet. As a result, many couples have resorted to sending email invitations. However, these invitations lack the personalized touch and have a dryness about them which can be putting off.

Video invitations appeal to your guest’s emotions

If on the other hand you were to make a video of some of your special moments together or simply make a video that shows you together and relates a brief story of your romance, it would be much more appealing to the audience. The best part is that now it is possible to send such a personalised and customized video invitations to your guests. Needless to say, such a message will touch their emotions and they will feel as if you have let them into a private part of your life.

This in turn is more likely to enhance their intrigue regarding the occasion and they will want to be part of it. At the same time, such a unique and different method of sending a video invitations will ensure that they look forward to the other interesting things that you have in store for them during the actual wedding ceremony. The best part is that sending such a unique video invitations will not cost you much more than sending printed invitations by post.