7 Steps for Crafting your Perfect Wedding Hashtag

Unless you are someone who prefers the unplugged wedding, we bet you have already started brainstorming for your wedding hashtag.

More than 60% weddings nowadays have hashtags and no one to blame it for other than Instagram. Why not, after all, it is so much fun to engage your friends and families with the precious wedding moments. Here, we have a little scoop on how to create a perfect wedding hashtag:

Bring in your names

It is quite obvious, but some couples still ignore how worthy your name can be while creating a wedding hashtag. This doesn’t have to be your official name; instead, you can pick the nicknames. Select the cutest part of it or go for something that your friend called you while in college. This makes it easier for the guests to remember you.

Use numbers to keep it unique

In case, you are not able to think something quirky, use the date or year of your wedding. This will remind the guests of the wedding day and will also let the name appear differently. After all, there can be many people with your name.

Keep it simple & sweet

Anything too long and messy will be difficult to remember and it is not going to set you apart. Do not over think it; rather go for small and sweet words that can gain attention on the first glimpse. Also, you need to check for words that can be easily misspelled. If there is one, replace it with an easier one.

Check for existence

Before you put the hashtags on the Inviter, you need to check its existence. There is a possibility that the hashtag, you have decided already exists. Give some consideration to the hashtags and if a similar one exists, you might have to rethink on the hashtag.

Capitalize the first letter

Keeping all the sentences in one case can confuse the reader; the smart part here will be capitalizing the first letter of each word. More people will get the fun if the words can be differentiated easily. Else, it will look all the same.

Show your funny side

Funny hashtags attract more users and this can be your trick to a more popular hashtag. Look for alliterations, rhymes, puns, and synonyms that can add more value to your hashtag. A bit of twist can make your wedding hashtag more memorable.

Spread the word

After deciding on a worthy hashtag, the next thing you need to do is promote the words. Your friends and family need to know what you are up to. Even in the wedding putting the hashtags reminders are a must.

Put it on the photo invitations or online invitations, or add it in the food menu. There is always a way out to make it more popular.